Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Battle Report #3 (No Pictures)

Same player as the first 2 games, and same map, but this time he played his IG vehicle army - I used the same army as the first battles.  He had 3 squadrons of 2 valkaries (3 lascannons each), 2 Russes with battle cannons, some kind of missile lancher thing (4 missiles, could shoot 1 a turn for d3 missiles), and some chimeras.
Game: 3 onjectives
Deployment: Dawn of War.

Turn 1:
He went first and moved everything on.  Determined to deny Mordrak a read armor shot, he bunched everything up into 2 rows. One right behind the other, and moved his planes flat out for the cover save.  With nothing to shoot at, there was nothing else he could do.

I moved the assassin into some ruins, and dropped Mordrak into cover on the side of a squadron of planes.  2 ghost knights died on the drop, and the librarian only managed to stun 1 of the planes (with side armor 12, the knights and mordrak could't even scratch it - I had a read shot on one of them, but not the closer one, and rules say you have to use armor rating of closest).

Turn 2: 
He fired everything he had at the ghost knights until they were dead - too much fire power too close.  His valkaries fired at the sniper, who made 6 cover saves from the lascannons.

My assassin killed one of his valkaries, and one of my GKSS (combat squaded) dropped in - one near each objective on his side of the board (well the was the plan, they both scattered about 8 inches away from the objective).  The GKSS that landed in range shot a lascannon off of a valkarie.

Turn 3:
He hit the closest GKSS with a missle launcher and both demolisher cannons, but with scatter and some bad rolls, he only managed to kill 3 of 5.  The Valkaries finish off my vindicare.

On my turn, for the second time in a row, I rolled almost all 1s and 2s for my reserves, and he had an astropath, so only 1 dreadknight made it onto the board, he moved toward the tank line, acting as a fire magnet for the next turn (I wish I had remembered they had the shunt move).  The GKSS that was hit by the demolisher cannons was pinned, but the other moved into cover near an objective and shot down another Valkarie.

Turn 4: 
He fired almost everything at the Dreadknight, but took it down.  He forgot about the unit of 2, previouly pinned GKSS, and tried to shoot the demolishers at the other unit, which was out of range.

Another GKSS came in, and split, one dropping in to attack the 2 units of troops that had spilled out of the valkarie, and the other dropping near my objective.  My other dreadknight still did not come in, beause of the astropath.  I did some shooting, but nothing awsome.

Turn 5: 
He fired everything again, and killed alot of GKSS, but I made a few cover saves, and over all did pretty well - although I lost the unit of 2 GKSS that were moving toward the midfield objective.  After his turn of shooting was over, he asked if it was really worth continuing.  I pointed out that I still had a move left, and I had 2 units withing 6" of 2 objectives (he was not holding any).  He had gotten so into blasting me with all of his weapons, that he forgot that he was supposed to be holding obective.  He commented that even if he lost, he was decimiating me, but I would have played different in we were not playing for objectives.

I moved 2 units onto objectives, giving myself as much cover as I could.  I also, finally, got to move my last dreadknight on, and moved him onto my objective too (he had scoring from Mordrak).  I dropped the other 2 combat squads of GKSS near his center objective (but they scattered too far away to claim it.  I shot a few of his vehicles, and assaulted his troops with a 5 man squad of GKSS.  The hammer guy killed 1, but I rolled all 2s to hit with the sword guys (8 of them), and then failed most of my armor saves (the hammer guy was the only left), then I broke, used ATSKNF, and took another wound.  (In that whole melee, I think I only rolled 1 die higher than a 2, and that was a 3 - the hammer guys roll to wound).

Turn 6:  There was a turn 6, but by now, 2 of his 3 units of troops were foot slogging, and more than 12" from an objective, and his destoyed vehicles were boxing in his other ones, so rather than go for objectives, he spent the turn shooting.  He killed my dread knight, and two squads of GKSS, but in the end I still had 2 objectives to his none.

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