It has been a while, and I have played about 4 more more games with a different list (all purifier and dread-knights). Unfortunately, I have just discoved (while trying to tweak my list), that a typo mean I was only paying 4 points per rhino instead of 40, so the list is not good, and I have to go back to the drawing board.
I did learn some things from those games though. 2 of the games were against orcs, with 3 units of lootas, 3 units of 30 shoota, and 3-4 units of cans, and 2 forcefield carrying HQs.
The purifiers destroyed this army every time. I charged all out, killed a bunch of stuff, and got to the objectives. In both games Crowe tied up a unit of 30ish orcs for about 2-4 turns of melee (he lost in the end both times, but it made a big enough hole in his front line for my other units to charge through to the objective.
The purifiers did fine. It only took 2-3 to decimate units of 30 orcs (which is about how many got to melee on average, out of 6, in a rhino).
The dreadknights did ok. I had incinerators, and teleport packs on both of them, and 1 had a sword and 1 had a hammer. They did great agaisnt the 'khans, they did fine against lootas, and the usually died after a turn or 2 against the shoota boyz (because of the hidden power fists) If I had a weak link in my army, I would be looking at these, in terms of damage done, but they also FORCE the enemy to react to them, and they absorb alot of shooting that would otherwise be aimed at rhinos and foot-sloggers. Their flamers did well too, overall I still like them over Psi-riflemen, especially agaisnt orcs.
My Ork enemy, after first contact with purifier power, tried to make walls of orks, so that even if i burned though, it would take too long to reach his objective. This would have worked, but I got smart. He was hoping that I would charge all of my units into his 30-man wall of orks. Instead, I would charge one of my units on the flank (3 of my guys against 20-230 orks). Instead of attacking with 2 units, I waited until his orks moved to consolidate into melee, and then I moved on the other flank though the hole I had created. (This is the same way I used Crowe) This worked especially well, because when my guys used their power to burn his unit, he would usually take people from the side I was trying to go through (because he was still trying to maximize how many of his orks got into HtH)
The same army had a really had time against IG. Granted both times I played IG, it was a spearhead deployment, and the IG played made maximum use of his range advantage (most of my guys were on foor before they got to psycannon range). The first game was KP and I lost. The second time was objectives, and we each held out own objective at the end (but I was getting crushed, had the game lasted 10 turns, I would have had nothing left, and he could have just rolled onto my objective - a unit of 3 planes with 9 TL-cannons tear through rhinos and mech armor with equal ease. 2 Units of them made the other 8 vehicles pretty redundant.
When I work on revising my list (because I was using 200 points too many), I may leave vehicles behind all together. While this is going to open me up to getting shot a lot more, and 18 TL-Lascannon shots a turn is going to suck, being able to DS into enemy lines will make a big difference on spear head deployments.